Navmesh Generation
If you are using the default unreal navigation system (UNavigationSystemV1), then the navigation mesh is automatically rebuild after each dungeon generation if you setup your project as described below.
If you are not, then you'll have to handle it yourself in the Post Generation
event of the dungeon generator and you can ignore the rest of this page.
How to configure the default Unreal's navigation system to work with the plugin?
First, There is a project setting you must change if you want the navmesh to be rebuild properly.
Go to Project Settings > Engine > Navigation Mesh
and set the Runtime Generation
to Dynamic
Then, you need to place a Navmesh Bounds Volume
in your "master" level (the persistent level which contains your DungeonGenerator
Its location and size doesn't matter, it just need to be there.
Also, make sure that the RecastNavMesh-Default
automatically added to your level is properly set to Dynamic
After that, you can add a Navmesh Bounds Volume
in each of your room levels, and design your navmesh with obstacles, and nav link proxies as you would do normally.
Usually you would make the volume encompassing the whole room bounding box (red box).
The RecastNavMesh
settings does not matter in the room levels, since they will be destroyed at the generation and only the one in the persistent level will be used to rebuild the navmesh.
If you are using some Geometry Brushes to create a blockout of your level design, the navmesh will not generate correctly in the persistent level.
You should convert them into static meshes to properly generate the navmesh.