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Version: 3.4

Custom Create Dungeon Function


As of now, overriding the Create Dungeon function is only available in C++ because I didn't found out in blueprint how to prevent overriding functions in child classes while allowing them in parent class.

If you know how to do that, please let me know on Github or Discord!


The provided Dungeon Generator class in the plugin has a basic default generation algorithm.
Its behavior is to create a first room and then add new rooms to existing doors.

See the Create Dungeon function in the diagram below:

If you are not satisfied with this default behavior, you can write your own Create Dungeon function while keeping the core features of the generator.

The Dungeon Generator Base class

To write your own custom Create Dungeon, you'll need to create a new class deriving from Dungeon Generator Base.
This class has the core features of a dungeon generator: the state machine to load/unload the level instances (shown in the diagram above), the network replication, the room culling system, etc.


You can derive from the Dungeon Generator class and override the Create Dungeon function, but I would strongly discourage that as it will embed some generator's settings and overridable functions that you will certainly not using anymore.


You can look into the Dungeon Generator class as an example to help you writing your own Create Function.

Below is a template to start your class. You can then add any variables and functions you need for your generation.

class AMyCustomDungeonGenerator : public ADungeonGeneratorBase

//~ Begin ADungeonGeneratorBase Interface
virtual bool CreateDungeon_Implementation() override;
//~ End ADungeonGeneratorBase Interface
URoomData* AMyCustomDungeonGenerator::CreateDungeon_Implementation()
// Must be called whenever you start a new generation.
// It will call the `Generation Init` event to allow resetting variables used for the generation.

// ... Do your generation logic here ...
// Here the important functions to create and place a new room in the dungeon:
// Create a new room instance from a room data
URoom* NewRoom = CreateRoomInstance(RoomData);

// Will attempt to place the room in a way to connect the NewRoom's door at specified index to the target door.
// The GetWorld() is used to also check is the room is colliding with actors in the world (when the bUseWorldCollisionCheck is true).
if (!TryPlaceRoom(NewRoom, NewRoomDoorIndex, TargetDoor, GetWorld())
// The room could not be placed.
NewRoom = nullptr;

// Will actually adds the room into the dungeon and connects the provided doors if possible.
// This function will call `OnRoomAdded` and return true if the room has been successfully added to the dungeon.
// You can pass an empty array as `DoorsToConnect` to try connecting all the doors.
if (!AddRoomToDungeon(NewRoom, /*DoorsToConnect = */TArray<int>{NewRoomDoorIndex}, /*bFailIfNotConnected = */true))
// The room was not added to the dungeon, because it was invalid (nullptr) or not connected.
OnFailedToAddRoom(ParentRoomData, TargetDoor);
// ...

// Must be called when the dungeon has finished the generation.
// Will initialize the room instances and call the `Initialize Dungeon` event.

// You should return true when the dungeon is generated properly.
// If returning false, the dungeon will be erased and an error will be displayed.
return true;