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Version: 3.5

Room Visitor

The Room Visitor is an interface used to add behaviors to your actors or components when they enter or exit a room.

For example, you can use this interface to keep track of the rooms the actor is in to be able to call functions on them, change some Room Custom Data variables, display various details on player's HUD, etc.

The Room Visibility Component (used to show/hide an actor with the rooms it is in) is implementing the Room Visitor interface to bind/unbind to the room's visibility event dispatcher when the actor enters or exits any room, and thus can change its visibility according to the room visibility state.

How to use it

Just add the interface like any other interface in Blueprint or C++, and implement its functions.

For example, this is a simple implementation in Blueprint to keep a reference of the rooms an actor is in (stored in an array called Cached Room Array).

Differences with Room Observer component

As the name implies, the Room Visitor interface is used to create game logic when the actor "visits" a new room.

The implemented events are called only when the implementing actor enters/exits a room, not when other actors enter/exit rooms.

On the other hand, the Room Observer dispatch its events when other actors enter/leave the room the observer is in.

Differences with Room Visibility component

The Room Visibility component implements the Room Visitor interface, so it can bind/unbind its internal functions to the visibility event of the rooms the actor enters/exits.

This is a simple example of what you can do with this interface.