Procedural Dungeon ⏵ Dungeon Generator
Dungeon Generator
Class Details
Defined in: Public/DungeonGenerator.h
Hierarchy: Object → Actor → Dungeon Generator
Exposed in blueprint as: Blueprint Base Class | Variable Type
This is the main actor of the plugin. The dungeon generator is responsible to generate dungeons and replicate them over the network.
Name | Type | Category | Accessors | Description |
Rooms | UDungeonGraph* | Dungeon Generator | Blueprint Read Only | |
Can Loop | bool | Procedural Generation | Blueprint Read/Write Edit Anywhere | If ticked, newly placed room will check if any door is aligned with another room, and if so will connect them. If unticked, only the doors between CurrentRoom and NextRoom (in the function ChooseNextRoom) will be connected. (will only have effect if the deprecated CanLoop in the plugin settings is ticked too, until it is removed in a future version) |
Dungeon Limits | FBoundsParams | Procedural Generation | Blueprint Read/Write Edit Anywhere | |
Generation Type | EGenerationType | Procedural Generation | Blueprint Read/Write Edit Anywhere | In which order the dungeon generate rooms. Depth First: Dungeon will use the last generated room to place the next one. Resulting in a more linear dungeon. Breadth First: Dungeon will generate a room at each door of the current one before going to the next room. Resulting in a more spread dungeon. |
Use Generator Transform | bool | Procedural Generation | Blueprint Read/Write Edit Anywhere | If ticked, the rooms location and rotation will be relative to this actor transform. If unticked, the rooms will be placed relatively to the world's origin. |
Use World Collision Checks | bool | Procedural Generation | Blueprint Read/Write Edit Anywhere | If ticked, when trying to place a new room during a dungeon generation, a box overlap test will be made to make sure the room will not spawn inside existing meshes in the persistent world. This is a heavy work and should be ticked only when necessary. Does not have impact during gameplay. Only during the generation process. |
Seed | uint32 | Procedural Generation └ Seed | Edit Anywhere | |
Seed Increment | uint32 | Procedural Generation └ Seed | Edit Anywhere | The increment number for each subsequent dungeon generation when SeedType is AutoIncrement. |
Seed Type | ESeedType | Procedural Generation └ Seed | Blueprint Read/Write Edit Anywhere | How to handle the seed at each generation call. Random: Generate and use a random seed. Auto Increment: Use Seed for first generation, and increment it by SeedIncrement in each subsequent generation. Fixed: Use only Seed for each generation. |
Name | Category | Description |
Generate | Dungeon Generator | Update the seed and call the generation on all clients Do nothing when called on clients |
Get Compatible Room Data | Dungeon Generator | Returns an array of room data with compatible at least one compatible door with the door data provided. |
Get Progress | Dungeon Generator | Returns the current generation progress. |
Get Random Room Data | Dungeon Generator | Return a random RoomData from the array provided |
Get Random Room Data Weighted | Dungeon Generator | Return a random RoomData from the weighted map provided. For example: you have RoomA with weight 1 and RoomB with weight 2, then RoomA has proba of 1/3 and RoomB 2/3 to be returned. |
Get Random Stream | Dungeon Generator | Access to the random stream of the procedural dungeon. You should always use this for the procedural generation. |
Get Seed | Dungeon Generator | |
Set Seed | Dungeon Generator | |
Unload | Dungeon Generator | Unload the current dungeon Do nothing when called on clients |