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Procedural Dungeon ⏵ Room Data

Room Data

Class Details

Defined in: Public/RoomData.h
Hierarchy: Object → Data Asset → Primary Data Asset → Room Data
Exposed in blueprint as: Blueprint Base Class | Variable Type


DoorsTArray<FDoorDef>DoorsBlueprint Read Only
Edit Anywhere
Random DoorboolDoorsBlueprint Read Only
Edit Anywhere
This will force a random door to be chosen during the dungeon generation.
DEPRECATED: It will be removed in a future version of the plugin. As a replacement, you should return -1 as DoorIndex in the ChooseNextRoomData of your DungeonGenerator.
LevelTSoftObjectPtr<UWorld>LevelEdit Instance Only
Custom DataTSet<TSubclassOf<URoomCustomData> >RoomEdit Defaults Only
First PointFIntVectorRoomEdit Anywhere
Second PointFIntVectorRoomEdit Anywhere


Door CountRoom Data
Has Compatible DoorRoom Data