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Procedural Dungeon ⏵ Room


Class Details

Defined in: Public/Room.h
Hierarchy: Object → Replicable Object → Room
Exposed in blueprint as: Variable Type


The room instances of the dungeon.
Holds data specific to each room instance, e.g. location, direction, is player inside, room custom data, etc.


Are All Doors ConnectedRoomReturns true if all the doors of this room are connected to other rooms.
Get All Connected RoomsRoomReturns all the room instances connected with this one.
Get All DoorsRoomFill an array with all the door actors connected to the room.
Get Bounds CenterRoomReturns the world center position of the room.
Get Bounds ExtentRoomReturns the world size of the room.
Get Connected Room AtRoomReturns the connected room instance at DoorIndex.
Get Custom DataRoomAccess to custom data of the room.
Get DoorRoomGet the door actor from a specific index.
Get Random StreamRoomReturns the RandomStream from the Dungeon Generator
Get Room DataRoomReturns the room data asset of this room instance.
Has Custom DataRoomCheck if the room instance contains a custom data of a specific type.
Is Door ConnectedRoomReturns true if the door at DoorIndex is connected to another room.
Is LockedRoomIs the room locked?
If it is, the doors will be locked (except if they have Alway Unlocked).
Is Player InsideRoomIs the player currently inside the room?
A player can be in multiple rooms at once, for example when he stands at the door frame,
the player's capsule is in both rooms.
Is VisibleRoomIs the room currently visible?
LockRoomLock or unlock the room instance.
Will lock/unlock the doors too (except if they have Alway Unlocked).