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Procedural Dungeon ⏵ Dungeon Blueprint Library

Dungeon Blueprint Library

Class Details

Defined in: Public/DungeonBlueprintLibrary.h
Hierarchy: Object → Blueprint Function Library → Dungeon Blueprint Library


Decrement Door DirectionMath 
└  Door Direction
Decrement the direction and set it
Direction + DirectionMath 
└  Door Direction
Addition (A + B)
Direction - DirectionMath 
└  Door Direction
Subtraction (A - B)
Increment Door DirectionMath 
└  Door Direction
Increment the direction and set it
Is ValidMath 
└  Door Direction
True if the value is set (either North, South, East, West)
False otherwise
Negate Door DirectionMath 
└  Door Direction
Negate the direction and set it (same as North - Direction)
└  Door Direction
Transforms North into South and East into West (and vice versa)
SpectatePlayerSet player to spectate
Enable Occlusion CullingProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Enable/disable the plugin's occlusion system
Get Default Door SizeProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Returns the default door type's size
Get Door OffsetProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Returns the room offset as a percentage of the height of a room unit
Get Occlusion Culling DistanceProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Returns the number of visible room from the player's room (1 mean only the player room is visible)
Get Room UnitProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Returns the room unit size in unreal units
Is Occlusion Culling EnabledProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Returns true if the plugin's occlusion system is enabled
Set Occlusion Culling DistanceProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Set the number of visible rooms from the player's room (1 mean only the player room is visible)
Should Dynamic Actors Be OccludedProcedural Dungeon 
└  Settings
Returns true if actors with a RoomVisibility component should have their visibility toggled with the rooms
Equal (Data Table Row Handle)Utilities
Is Door Of TypeUtilities 
└  Procedural Dungeon